Bal Bhavan Public School Delhi

Modern Parenting: An artistry
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”

Most parents assume that as soon as a child is born, it is time to become teachers. However, when a child enters the family, it is not the time to become a teacher but to learn, because if we look at ourselves and our children, they are more curious and joyous than us. The only thing that we can teach our children and which we should, is how to survive.

The only thing that should be provided for young ones is an atmosphere of love, care and support for a child to grow up. Good parenting is not about teaching the child what to do and what not to do. It is just about creating an atmosphere. If we want to grow our garden, we don’t sit there every day and try to extract flowers or fruits from there. We just maintain the atmosphere and it grows well. That is all one can do, and that is all that should be done.

If parents are truly concerned about their children, they must raise their children in such a way that they will never have any dependency on their parents. The process of loving should always be a liberating process, not an entangling process. So, when a child is born, allow the child to look around, spend time with nature and spend time with himself/herself. We must create an atmosphere of love and support instead of trying to impose our morals, ideas and beliefs. Just allow the child to grow, allowing his or her intelligence to grow and help look at life on his or her own terms, as a human being, not identified with the here family or wealth. Just helping the child to look at life as a human being is very essential for his or her well-being and the well- being of the world. At the same time, the perils of living in this world are always there such as drugs, an accident and various other perversions. But what we need to understand is, whether we like it or not, today or tomorrow, our child has to learn to live with his or her own
intelligence, making own choices as to how much of what should be done in life. So, the sooner he/she gets equipped for this, the better. This does not mean we push a young child on the street to learn his or her own ways. We should not try to counter-influence him/her with our own morality and values. We just need to help them to look at their life with more intelligence and not be influenced by anyone or anything.

Home should not be a place to impose our culture, ideas and morals upon a child. There should be a supportive atmosphere where there is no imposition upon a child and his/her intelligence is encouraged. If the child feels most comfortable at home, s/he will naturally try to spend more
time there than outside. Right now, a street corner may feel like a more comfortable place for a child than being at home because of the impositions at home. So, if that discomfort is not there, here s/he will not make the street corner his sanctuary. But that does not mean s/he is not going to be exposed to the hard realities of the world. They will always be there and will check here influence them in some way or another. But always, the more info parent encouraging the child to learn to think for him or her , to use intelligence to see what is best for him or her, more info is the best insurance we have so that the child grows up well.

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